December 15, 2010

NEYEM Sarangani Tour

Dec. 12, 2010 - BlogFest Sox 2010 did not end yet. The Department of Trade and Industry of Sarangani Province and its local government sponsored a tour for the bloggers dubbed as NEYEM. It is a Bla'an term which means "to see", "to look" or "to view". We really thought they were wrong when they said that DTI is organizing the tour instead of DOT (Dept. of Tourism). Unfortunately, Sarangani Province does not have a DOT office so the local government do the actions to promote the the tourism in their province. The goal of the tour is from this tour is to promote tourism for the economic development of the communty. One of their program called OTOP, One Town One Product, is a priority program of the government to promote entrepreneurship and create jobs. One of its municipalities, which we were very privileged to visit, is Maitum. It is our first stop in the tour where we had our breakfast after a couple of hours of travel. Their OTOP is the flying fish, locally known as "Bangsi".

I would like to tell everything about the tour but it will take me lots of paragraph to share my wonderful experience in Sarangani. So i decided to separate them into posts which will be tagged under neyem sarangani tour. For now, i will leave you with some of the photos of the entire tour. More photos after the jump :)

Breakfast at Cresings' at Maitum

Balongis Weaving center at Malapatan

At the white sand beach of Gumasa, Glan, Sarangani Province

Lemlunay Dive Resort of Maasim

...and my favorite, White Water Tubing at Pangi river!

Watch out for my future posts :D Meanwhile, here are some links about Sarangani province that you might want to visit:
Sarangani - Wikipedia
Go Sarangani