Don’t Traumatize mE..~~

12:13 AM
Like the lost people wanding in the desert, under the scorching sun, lots of mirage can be seen in the horizon. Hoping to search water to quench his thirst, instead, he gets blisters in his feet and burnt skin along his journey to nowhere. As he slowly take a step, he sees no shade except his own tormented shadow. His feet sinks in the hot desert sand and unforturnately, his vision became blurred ...


12:16 AM
(Original post from my FS Blog)Sinistrality..simply means left-handedness. It came from the root word "sinister" which suggests evil: threatening or suggesting malevolence, menace, or harm. What a prejudice!!! I am a true blooded lefty and a moment ago I read a post in Buzz the Top 20 lefthanded Celebrities. It’s Left-handedness Day, and guess what, the day is exactly my birthday, August 12 at the...
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