Summer 2009 seminars

1:35 AM
Since I won't be taking summer classes this year, I took job opportunities given to me by my generous mentors. I already finished one week of a series of ICT seminars in WMSU (Western Mindanao State University) for BS ComSci students. I gave a 2-day workshop about Adobe Illustrator and taught them how to create logos, icharacters, illustrations and 3D graphics. Here are some of my favorite outputs...

Oras nang Sumibol

12:50 AM

Names are Fun

12:24 PM
Here's one of those fun things we used to do in Friendster. Don't know what friendster is? It's the first social network that became a big bit before facebook. I used to blog there before i started this blog. Since FS is closing, i archived my memories here to save them. Click on the image on the right to view more of these friendster memories..1. YOUR REAL NAME :-- Cedrick Saclolo Zabala2. YOUR G...
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