Graphika Manila 2009

9:43 PM
Two years ago, I went to Manila, for the first time to join the 2nd Graphika Manila, a national graphics design conference with speakers ranging from photographers to illustrators. It was held at the Centerstage of the Mall of Asia last August 11, 2007, a day before my 17th birthday. It was really memorable because it was also my first time to ride a plane.hehe. Anyways, the speakers were awesome...

Viral Infection

12:35 AM
Look, i made a vexel out of the doodle of my previous post [link].

How i did it:
1. Trace the basic shapes.
2. Create bold outlines.
3. Find a good color scheme [link] and color it.
4. Add shadows and texture in photoshop.

Click for full view :D

doodle entry #48 & #49

11:16 PM
just want to share my doodle entries number 48 and 49 in my journal/planner, dated february 26-28, 2009. i scanned it for marejada but d xa ginamit so i decided to post it here n lng.hehe the first doodle is about our net connection na bumalik after a week of the second one is about this virus that i thought i had. the week before kc kinagat (ata) ako sa paa ng pusa dun sa golf. di ...
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