Portfolio Design

2:51 AM
Here is my latest design and layout for my portfolio which will be printed soon. It is an 8"x10" book with 24 pages featuring my selected works from animation design to digital arts. This will be my final output for my entire college life. I also have a showreel but i will post it soon coz i haven't finalized it yet. Up next is my interactive cd and website. :D

My 2009

7:08 PM
It has been a fruitful year for me. 2009 was a year of economic depression, poverty and calamities yet we managed our problems and still wake up for a new beginning. I am so proud to be who i am today and i will never regret the things that i have done the past year. There are many first times and some of them are good and bad. I want to share the highlights of this special year. From day 1 to day...
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