EMPEP Logo Design

In my previous post, i compile the different logos of the local government offices of the Philippines. I was researching about logo design for this assignment. I was asked to create a logo for Exodus Mindanao People Empowerment Program Inc. or EMPEP. From the name of the organization itself you can imagine what the program is about, so I think I don't really have to elaborate about it. They gave me their rough sketch of what they wanted the logo will look like. Here is its:

So I made a vectorized version of this one and came up with this:

Then, I also created my own version which is still incorporated the elements from their design. (Click read more to view)

The client finally went to the office a while ago and checked out the design. They like it but they still have to consult their boss for approval. I hope the boss will like it. Drop some comments if you have some ideas, suggestions and comments. I will appreciate it! :D
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