Miko and Jhey SDE

10:41 PM
For almost half a month of no weddings, im back in my game last friday. In this particular SDE, i was really focused on choosing my clips properly. We had a meeting with the Trebor Z Team prior the wedding and they pointed out that i should avoid "dirty" shots. Those are clips with photographers or shooters in the frame or unnecessary mess in the background. I should also avoid shots with overexp...

Larry and Rona 11.13.12 {Save-the-Date}

7:08 PM
Here's a simple video invitation or Save-the-date i made in Adobe AfterEffects. The coordinator told me that the theme is somehow Japanese-inspired so I used falling cherry blossom petals for the background.

Nebres-Rabanal Nuptial
November 13, 2012, 6:00AM
Zamboanga Metropolitan Cathedral

to be followed by a breakfast banquet
at Lantaka Hotel by the Sea

and Reception at 6PM
at Astoria Regency Convention Center

Jon and Isa Wedding Highlights

6:54 PM
This wedding is very special to me because it's the wedding of a close high school friend of mine, Isabeau. She has always been the mature type of lady who knows what exactly she wants in her life. She's very intelligent and she's a good speaker. She's always be remembered as our leader as she was the elected president of the student government during our last year in high school. But for me she'...
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