Visual Identity Project by COM116 Class

9:06 AM
Visual Identity or Branding, are Visible elements of a brand, such as color, form, and shape, which encapsulate and convey the symbolic meanings that cannot be imparted through words alone. In a broader (corporate) sense, it may include elements such as building architecture, color schemes, and dress code (src: BusinessDictionary). For the midterm project of my COM116 (Desktop Publishing) class, ...

2015: A Year of Wonders

1:19 PM
In 2014, I had the best year of my life. And 2015 didn't fail me, too. Life gave me a lot of new opportunities to experience and grow. 2015 is a milestone for me coz i've already lived a "quarter" of my life. There were a lot of surprises and I can only be grateful for all the blessings that God gave me. 2015 is a year of Wonders. A year to explore the wonders of the world, my career, my relation...
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