Save the Date (SDD)

Yup SDD! Not STD. Since STD is already a known for a disease, im calling it SDD (Save d Date?!?). It's basically an invitational video to make people reserve the date for an event. It is just like a trailer / teaser but it can be as simple as animated texts to motion graphics. Here are two SDD's i made for upcoming parties this month.

ZNHS West 1st Grand Alumni Homecoming

ZNHS West Alumni Association Inc
Presents a Red Carpet Event
The 1st Grand Alumni Homecoming
A Dinner for a Cause
Garden Orchid Convention Center
6PM, 12.18.11

WMSU-University Theater Guild Homecoming

Western Mindanao State University
University Theater Guild Homecoming
12.27.11, 6PM
Briza Extension, Lantaka Hotel by the Sea
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