Val and Rhea SDE

12:51 PM
For almost a month of no SDE, i'm back in event film making with the Trebor Z team. Val and Rhea trusted our team to capture the most important day of their life. The song was chosen by the couple along with other songs which are very fitting for SDE's. The song that i chose was also the song for their first dance, which means i did the right decision to choose this song among the 5 choices. Thei...

Sweet Shots: An Event Film-making Workshop

1:04 PM
On April 2 to 3, 2014, Trebor Z Audio Visuals will be conducting the most awaited Event Film-making Workshop in Zamboanga City. Two prominent Videographers from Manila will be flying over to be our guest speakers. Jason Magbanua's Creative Videographer, Michael Jamandre, and Christian Andaya of Andaya Digital Videos, will be sharing their experiences and knowledge in film-making and the industry...

Baby Development to Birth Animation

8:40 PM
So i created this simple animation for a group of high school student's class project. They asked me to animate a baby from its conception to birth. It was challenging but i guess i need to do this coz i want to practice my animation skills. At first I thought this would be so difficult but they told me they just want a simple animation. So i created this simple masking animation and add a bit of...

Graphika Manila 2014

3:51 PM
It's the annual Graphika Manila, the biggest conference for Creativity in the country. In the nine years of GM, I've attended five: 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, and 2014. Last year I wasn't able to attend because of the sudden change of schedule (from August to February). This year I made sure that I'll really push through and enjoy the conference. Indeed, we really had a great time! The speakers were...

77th Dia de Zamboanga

1:29 PM
This year marks the 77th Year of Zamboanga as a chartered city. To commemorate the event, City Hall Office, City Tourism Office and other NGO's set a lineup of exciting activties for the entire month. Highlights of activities includes the Dia di Senador RT Lim, Birds Festival, and a City Wide Sale by Major Shopping Malls in Zamboanga City. Another big event is the 2nd Zamboanga International Film...
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