Mindanao Bloggers Summit 4 Schedule

4:05 PM
4th Mindanao Bloggers SummitOctober 29-31, 2010Ciudad de Zamboanga[Register Now!]Blogging SeminarOctober 29, 2010College AVR, Ateneo de Zamboanga UniversityMindanao Bloggers Summit ProperOctober 30, 2010Time ACTIVITY 7:30 AM – 8: 30 AM Registration 8:30 AM – 8:40 AM National Anthem and Opening Number 8:40 AM – 8:50 AM Welcome Remarks Ryann Z. ElumbaLead Organizer 8:50 AM – 9:10 AM Keynot...

Gretchen turns 18

12:44 AM
October 2, 2010. It was the day when we went out of town in the morning and back again before the night ended. We went to Ipil for the debut coverage of Gretchen at the Sibugay Hotel. I served as the 2nd unit photographer and i also post processed the photos. I enjoyed the bus trip and, heck, they were fast. The party is, perhaps, one of the grandest parties to be held there in the province. The p...

Mindanao Bloggers Summit 4

12:55 AM
To all School President /Director /Head, All School Colleges, School Publications /Student Council, ITTeachers and Students and Bloggers / Photographers from Mindanao, The Zamboanga Bloggers Society together with the Mindanao Bloggers Community, which is the official network of bloggers in Asia’s Latin City is this year’s host to the Mindanao Bloggers Summit 2010 on October 30, 2010 at the Garden...

Catlyn turns 18 (Pre-Debut Photoshoot)

9:34 PM
Last Sept 19, we had a photoshoot for Catlyn's debut at their home at 4C Enterprises building, San Roque (the tallest building in San Roque). The theme is Paris Fashion Week so it is the usual glam shot and fashion portraits. We used the photos for the looping backdrop which is laid out like a magazine with matching captions and titles. Here are some photos ranging from Punk Rock style to the eleg...


2:34 AM
Wow. It's already October, which usually means it's fiesta pilar and finals season for me. Now its all about work work work! Post-September for me was a busy one. I finished 2 album layouts for mr. jouie, had event coverages, did errands for 2 big contests here in the city, and ended it with a party for my mom's birthday. Post-september and pre-october is a fashionable one for me. The fashion feve...
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