James and Sherryl SDE

2:04 PM
After a month and a half of rest, I'm back in the wedding scene. Last May, I had my sudden exit in my previous beloved group, Seed Interactive, which i helped build and worked hard for 2 years. I kept silent and tried to work things out on my own. People told me to apply for work here and there until the opportunity came for me to join Trebor Z Audiovisuals. Yep! I'm officially part of the team ...

RCZC East 2012 Designs

9:05 AM
I've been very busy with my comeback in the wedding scene these days. I'm back in SDE editing now with a new crew, Trebor Z Audio Visuals, my dream videography crew. It's an awesome job and i'm getting used to the workflow and this whole experience is just amazing. :) Last saturday, i had my first wedding SDE in Lantaka and it was epic! I hope they will post it soon. Meanwhile, in another room a...

Staycation: Plaza del Pilar, Bouli

7:53 PM
After our morning swim and spicy breakfast, we went to the National Museum and Plaza del Pilar and took some fun shots. Here are some of our shots :D Just outside :D On our way to Plaza del Pilar, "Abbey Road" style :D Jump shot! My cap went out of place XD I always ruin the shot! hehe A flock of flamingos ^_^ Peek-a-boo! Aljo doing the super punch :D Love this <3 just me flying aroun...

Staycation: Regency, Andy's Satti

5:07 PM
School is back! But for us we're still on vacation. Our destination? Zamboanga! This is what we call "staycation", where you go vacationing at the place where you stay. The most important thing is that you are with you're family and you're having lots of fun. Actually, my ate is here for a month-long vacation coz she's working in Cebu. While my brothers and cousins are still on their enrollment, ...
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