Genre: Storybook / Fiction / Comedy
Type of Animation: 3D Animation
Creator: Pixar Animation
"Boundin" is one of the Pixar Animated Shorts Collection that is about a lamb who was popular and known for its beauty. However one day, he was shaved and immediately he became a laughing stock in the land. A jagglelope what was passing by saw the poor skinny lamb and asked what's bothering him. He told him that looks do not matter. "Sometimes you're up sometimes you're down. When you find that you're down then just look around." He taught him how to bounce and he soon loved it. He regained his popularity and had had confidence even without his fur. Every summer he is shaved but it didnt stop him from bouncing. In the end, it gives us a lesson that we have friends to share our ups and downs.
The film really touched me because of the morals that it conveyed. The characters were cute and they were very expressive. The setting is good as well as the cinematography.
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