Prenup Sessions

I love brief prenup sessions where the couple are just being their selves and not trying to be someone else. We are really trying to capture moments with real emotions unlike others who are more into the pose and composition. To be a photographer/director, you should be able to communicate to the couple what emotion should they portray in a scene. Yes, it may be difficult since they are not actors and actresses but it is our task to set the mood or condition them so they will feel comfortable in front of the camera. The best photos i have seen are those with pure intentions of capturing the real person in them. You can really see it in through their eyes and face though they may not be models or actors. Prenup should embody the young love of the couple and should tell a story of the romance before the official tying of knots. We may have different styles in prenup photography but as photographers we should be able to reach our goal, which is to capture the couple regardless of setting, styling and status quo. Anyways, here are two prenup sessions that i handled recently.

Reynold Roy ♥ Suzette

Ralph ♥ Evelyn Prenup

Photography: Ryann Elumba
Assistant: Cedrick Zabala
Make-up: Arlene of W-Salon (Suzette), Vanessa of Watercolour Salon (Evelyn)
Coordinator: CMK Creations (Reynold), Sonny Villares (Ralph)
Gown and Cocktail Dress: Al-Shamer (Suzette)
Locations: WesMinCom (Reynold), Butterfly Garden and Paseo del Mar (Ralph)
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