Cubico - Tongawan Nuptials

7:25 PM
Here are some of the photos of the wedding ceremony of When and Ann. If you saw my previous posts, they were the couple who had the first digital art for their prenup with the butterfly concept. I also posted my layouts of their coffee table book. Their wedding is one of my favorites because of its simplicity, solemnity and very genuine, which is very ironic because their prenup is very extreme an...

Digital Voice: Graphic Design Freedom Wall

12:26 AM
Manila Design Week 2010 is calling for participation for this graphic event for student artists and graphic designers. Its called Digital Voice, where student will be able to participate and interact in a live graphic design wall and exhibit. It will be held at Glorietta 5, Ayala Center, Makati on August 12, 2010, 4PM. The task is to create digital artworks that speaks about progress, positivity...

Aaron's Transformer Birthday

11:06 PM
My nephew Aaron Justin celebrated first birthday last sunday, July 25, 2010 at the Aristocrat Chinese Restaurant, Camins. Seed Interactive covered the event. Here are some flicks. Full album will be posted soon! More photos and full credits after the jump.Credits:Event - By Gems Party KingdomPhotography -Vincent Arnuco (Seed Interactive)Videography - Johnery Toribio (Seed Interactive)Graphic Desig...

BJ and Manis

2:40 PM
Here are the photos from the wedding of BJ and Manis. They are also the couple who had the retro prenup which i posted here. Credits to Jan Santos (Seed Interactive) for the photography, and I did the post-processing too. More photos after the jump. Click for full view. To view the whole set, visit the FB page of Seed Interactive here. Full Credits: BJ and Manis Nuptial, July 11, 2010 Marc...

No way! :D

1:08 PM
I'm so ecstatic today! someone called and gave me a good news. :D i recently joined a national contest and the jury chose my design. i can't believe it! the awarding is on november and i have to find a way to go there. any sponsors?! anyways i cant reveal what it is but i have no words to describe how i feel about it. its really something for me. thank you GOD for everything. this day is great! :D

Manila Design Week 2010

2:22 PM
Here's the schedule of this year's Manila Design Week 2010 on August 7 to 13, 2010. All events are free except for Graphika Manila and Cut & Paste. MANILA DESIGN WEEK 2010: Design Everyday 07-13 August 2010 Co-presented by: Manila Beer, Power Mac Center, Bratpack DAY 1: Graphika Manila 2010 Saturday / 07 August / 9 am - 6 pm / SMX Convention CenterWall LordsSaturday / 07 August / 1 pm - 8 pm ...

Designer Vocabulary

1:26 AM
Statisticians always use the words population, sample, data, average, mean, conclusion, variance and of course, statistics. Meanwhile, culinary artists use french words in their everyday jobs like a la carte, creme, crepe, cuisine, petit (small), blanch (to bleach), sauté (fried over high heat), fondue (melted), purée (crushed), flambée (burned). Every field has its own set jargons that is vital t...

Cinemalaya 2010 Winners

8:39 PM
First of all, i would like to congratulate my fellow Zamboangueno, Sheron Dayoc for winning Best Director (for New Breed Full Length) for his film Halaw, which also won Best Film in this year's Cinemalaya held from July 9-18, at the CCP. The film's lead actor, Mr. Jon Arcilla, also won Best Actor. Cinemalaya is a competitive all digital film festival that aims to discover, encourage and honor the...

7 Deadly Sins of Pop and Cartoon Network

1:25 PM
Wah! Found this awesome stuff in facebook. I just have to share it. It's the 7 deadly sins represented by famous pop singers. Madonna represents Pride, i guess she's very vain and thinks high of her self. Britney is for Sloth maybe because she has nothing to do with her life coz she got it all, fame, money and glory. Lady Gaga is definitely Envious, she has insecurities due to her past but she su...

When & Ann Coffee Table Book

12:58 PM
Here are some of my selected pages of the coffee table book that i laid out for the Wedding of When and Ann. More pages after the jump. Enjoy! To view the entire set, click here. Credits to deviantArt for the resources. Photography: Ryann Z. Elumba, Jan Vincent Santos (Seed Interactive Multimedia Production) Album Layout and Animated Backdrop: Cedrick S. Zabala Videography: TreborZ Audi...
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