Aside from the movie posters for Erwin and Cathlean's Prenup set, we also made a trailer/prenup video for their wedding. The theme is Oscars night and the couple themselves star all the movies. We shot all the clips in one location in just a day. We posted it in our facebook page and it reached more than 70 likes already. We are so happy to have this opportunity of making a unique and creative wed...
I love brief prenup sessions where the couple are just being their selves and not trying to be someone else. We are really trying to capture moments with real emotions unlike others who are more into the pose and composition. To be a photographer/director, you should be able to communicate to the couple what emotion should they portray in a scene. Yes, it may be difficult since they are not actors...
It's already the holy week and the whole country is paying tribute to Jesus's last days to his resurrection. As you can see below, I made an OBB for the airing of Sky cable's coverage of the 7 Last Words. This week is a symbol of God's love to us when He finally let's His Son die in behalf of our sins. This week reminds us of the greatest story ever told which is the sacrifice of Jesus to redeem u...
Last February i was interviewed by a masscom student for their magazine project. I'm not sure if they published the mag because i have not heard of her afterwards. They asked me about my career and future plans. So i just want to share my answers which really help me ponder about things. You can also see some of my photos from the photoshoot i had. :D1. What is/are your field/s of expertise?Multi...
Pagkawin is the traditional Tausug wedding which traditionally takes place at the homes of the bride and groom. Everyone has their best looks on for this momentous occasion. Traditional musical instruments are played and food is overflowing. They start with the preparations at their respective homes showered with the prayers and blessings of their family. Then, when everyone's set, the groom's fam...
Last time i posted here their onsite video which is retro inspired. We actually shot some of the clips during the prenup session and you can see two sets here, the Vintage and Lifestyle sets. I really liked the photoshoot and i really enjoyed in assisting/directing them. We started at a location which is a joy to be there. Its like going back to the past with a modern touch. They have everything v...
Hi there! I've been browsin thru vimeo and i stumbled upon some awesome animated short films. I'm really inspired i want to create one but the problem is that im not good in writing. Story is always the priority when it comes to short films. I want to join Animahenasyon 2011 but since im not a student already i have to join the pro category which is tough. Anyways, i just posted my first ever (and...
On saturday, our family will be attending the 2nd grand reunion of the Morales-Beron Clan (from my maternal grandmother's side). It was about 4 years ago since our very first reunion which was held at Basilan. There was just too many people i we don't know how to get to know each one of them. Good thing each family made their family tree charts. It's just bizarre to see the charts thinking that al...
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