30 Day Drawing Challenge Accepted!

11:30 PM

So while i was checking out my tumblr dashboard...

A wild photo appeared...

i instantly searched for #30daydrawingchallenge
then i saw these awesome works :D

And i was like...

..coming soon..

Digital Art: Photocosmograph

4:16 PM
Happy weekend err'one! Time for another digital art :D It's a vintage SLR film camera with a 50mm lens. Edited in photoshop. Click on the photo to +fave in deviantart.

Photocosmograph photomanipulation digital art photoshop vintage slr camera nikon deviant art csz97

 Oh telescope,
Keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and get swept off the narrow road...

Zamboanga Bloggers Meetup with Sun Cellular

7:36 PM
March 29, Lotus Restaurant, Astoria Hotel - Sun Cellular Senior Manager for Digital Marketing Services, Mr James Lim invited the Zamboanga Bloggers for a dinner. Mr Ryann Elumba, Shine de Guzman, Patricia, Klei, Meryl, Jolas and I were present. Sir James shared with us the good news that Sun Cellular has to offer in Mindanao. As they are expanding their coverage, Sun is also strengthening their ne...

WMSU BSN Grad Ball 2012 Teaser

1:21 AM
First of all, congratulations to all the graduates of batch 2012! It has been a long journey and this event is a milestone that will ever change your life. It's a start of another chapter in your life. This year the Nursing Student Organization of WMSU trusted Seed Interactive to be the official photo and video team for their Graduation activities. They will have a Graduation Ball on April 10 at A...

Princess Carlyle @ 18 as Barbie

3:41 PM
This is one of my favorite debut teasers so far. Princess is also a regionalian like me and is currently studying at Siliman University. The concept of this video is mainly about having fun, being young and breaking free. But to achieve that we placed a lot of effort in putting her inside the box. We created a simple set at their home with a white backdrop. Then I added the graphics in after affe...

Digital Art: Lalaland

1:32 PM
Another digital illustration inspired by the whismical world of imagination :D started as a doodle, traced in illustrator and colored in photoshop. Experimented more on textures and depth compared to my previous work. Check out the illusions in this art ^_^ "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through t...

On Sunsets, Long Exposure, and Planets

1:45 PM
March 12, 2010. We had a video shoot at the Blue Beach resort late in the afternoon. Thanks to the power outage courtesy of Zamcelco, i was bored to death so i played with the camera. I tried to take photos of the shore and seascapes in low shutter speed (long exposure) to have that dreamy effect. Here are some of my takes. More after the jump. Eerie dead plant in twilight colors:D Meet t...
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